
Katrina Darrell

Katrina Darrell put on her tiniest bikini and headed out to Phoenix to wow Simon. Not only did she show up with a rocking body, she brought some okay pipes BY LAUREN JOHNSTON "American Idol" contestant Katrina Darrell heats up the auditions by wearing a barely-there bikini. She's "American Idol" contestant New York - Katrina Darrell raised a few eyebrows at her American Idol audition yesterday when she performed in a bikini. This is one way to cement yourOh, boy. Britney Spears may have some competition on her hands. Well, physically speaking at least.Bikini-clad singer Katrina Darrell spices up 'American Idol' New York Daily News, NY "American Idol" contestant Katrina Darrell heats up the auditions by wearing a barely-there bikini. She's "American Idol" contestant . BY JIM FARBER Contestant Katrina Darrell displays her talent (and a lot of skin) during her 'American Idol' audition. "American Idol"Â has finally found its Katrina Darrell , a 20-year-old model from Chino Hills, California wore as little as possible to American Idol auditions in Phoenix, Arizona, and not surprisingly - Katrina Darrell - American Idol Bikini Girl Pictures and Video. katrina darrell nude, katrina darrell myspace, bikini girl american idol, katrina darrell american idol, american idol bikini girl