
How to Keep a Virtual Assistant Busy

For people who are just getting started with building an internet business, there is a good possibility that you have more work to do than you can handle, but not enough money to be able to hire someone full time. Even if money wasn't an issue and you needed to hire a virtual assistant, you may not have enough work to keep them busy.

Of course, you can outsource just specific projects if you know what you need done. The problem with this is that to find a dedicated VA that understands your business and your keywords and to be able to bypass having to train a new VA each time, you need to be able to keep them busy. Here are some ideas for you to both keep a part-time VA or a full-time VA busy.

Keyword research: Have your VA create a spreadsheet with your keyword phrases in one column with your monthly / daily searches in another column and then a few more columns with Google search results like the "keyword phrase in quotes" and the allinanchor or allintitle searches to give you an estimate on which keywords are going to be good. For basic SEO and getting started, your VA shouldn't need anything but free tools initially. If you're building a pay-per-click campaign, there's a greater likelihood that you'll be needing more keywords than what you'll get from most free tools.

Submitting to directories: Once you have the keywords that you'll be using on your site, you should start using those keyword phrases in strategic ways. Your VA can take the keywords, a basic description of your site and a list of directories and manually submit your site to hundreds of directories. Once place to have a VA start is with a website

Comment on blogs: You can get your VA to participate in comments on blogs that allow links back, preferably without the "nofollow" attribute. An intelligent VA that is at very least accustomed to your industry can add more comments than just "nice post, thanks". Give them some freedom to participate in the occasional conversations by way of blogs.

Profiles on social media sites: Another great way to get links back to your site are on websites that allow profiles to be created, such as,,,, etc. These profiles can be created, but should be used on a relatively regular basis so that they stay active and also build up the chain of links pointing back to your main website. The more incoming links you can generate and the more the keywords are used as anchor text, the higher up in the search engines your website will rank. You can search for social media sites including hundreds of social sites on which you can create these profiles. You can also have your VA rank these social media sites by Page Rank as they create the profiles and keep active on the profiles that have the highest PR possibilities.

Social bookmarks: You can use social bookmarking sites to have your blog posts or ezine articles or just about any other sites listed and linked to from these social bookmarking sites. Have your VA go to and submit your articles and your blog posts through this tool. Do the "most popular" and the "nofollow" links... or rather, have your VA do this.

Ping services for updates: Once you have your blog posts and your articles done, you can have your VA use and as well as Google's ping at

Article writing or editing: If you're not much of a content writer, you can have your VA help compose content or at very least edit content. This may work better if your assistant's primary language and possibly training is in the same language. This isn't to say that outsourcing to a foreign country won't work. Basically you'll have to try out the skills and capacities of your VA.

Creating new blogs:,, and as well as hundreds of other sites that allow content to be created. After these blog posts are created, make sure to have your VA use ping services as well as social bookmarking to get additional links and exposure back to the blog they've just created for you. Duplicate content is definitely an issue if you're trying to get the individual blogs themselves ranked. However, if you are using the blogs as a method of generating links back to your site for SEO purposes, the content on these blogs can be duplicated.

Use & Google's Blogsearch to find new content for these blogs. Just remember to find a way to successfully link back to your website using the keywords as anchor text.

All of these methods are a part of a massive effort to get both links back to your primary website for the SEO benefit as well as the residual traffic many of these sources can produce all on their own. Make sure you keep a spreadsheet of both the work you want done and stay organized. Work with your VA and don't commit to anything full time until you've had a chance to evaluate his or her work. Finding a good VA may not necessarily be easy. Once you find a good one, you'll want to keep him or her as busy as they need to be in order to keep loyal to you.

Most of these tips will require some training which you can get from the "help" or "faq" sections of a lot of these sites as well as videos on Youtube and Google that will show you how to do several of the things on this list, or they'll show your VA how to do several of the things on this list. You may want to spend a few hours trying some of these techniques yourself so that you can know what to expect as far as the time requirements.


Brian Armstrong